beach which was so needed. The kids surfed/boogie boarded and Elliot ate sand. It was awesome! Beach for me is a lot different than it used to be, but it was just lovely to see it, hear it, and smell it for the first time in a year!
I want to send a big shout out to my cousin Kieran who was married at the end of august! We so wanted to be there but I had scheduled a catering for some random persons wedding before I knew Kieran was getting married so I am looking forward to all pictures that might make it my way:)Now with Danny having a bum finger (broke and dislocated), we have added another fun challenge to work and other fun to-do lists. Poor Danny...he has 4 more weeks of basically not using his right hand for much. Elliot is still waking up 2 times a night which is really fun! That makes almost 3 months of sleeping in 3-4 hour shifts at best. some days its not so bad and other days sleep deprivation is not good for the soul or for anyone around you:). With all of that said, I just can't seem to let her "cry it out". Listening to her cry makes my insides turn upside down. it is just much easier to make her stop crying and just go back to sleep. Some day I will do it, and I will promise to blog all about it and I am sure - like everyone else- wonder why it took me so long to do it. The weather is changing and football has started GO BRONCOS - so sorry Colts:) I am going to relax and go to bed and snuggle my crippled husband.