Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mothers Day to us all!

Well...My sister and my nephew Braven came out for a visit and it was spectacular! Not only did me and my sis get along famously - but we got along famously:) She is a really good mom and has great pointers for me. She was able to get Elliot to take a pacifier which was previously impossible. She hasn't really been that into it since but she is into whatever is in my hands at the moment. She has already started the crying when she drops her toy/remote control (is that bad?) then I have to give it back to her when she really has a hard time holding anything longer than 5 seconds...uh oh...could be long days of toy retrieval:) Braven is amazingly smart - scary smart! He is 3 going on 4 in July but already knows way too much for his age! We went for a great hike/walk uphill (uhg) but it was beautiful and Braven was looking for butterflies and loved to make wishes on the fluffy white things that you blow -Dandelions? Amazing the things that I am unsure of these days.

Danny has been training for the upcoming 5k (which I will be walking/jogging in my new jogger with Elliot) all ready to set the new world record. He is still of course working his little butt off and playing super dad by day and night. Beans and Berries is really starting to take off which is great to see with all of the hard work and love that goes into it. Scully's is holding steady gearing up for the summer with a new front patio - it's going to be awesome! Kyla is done with soccer for school and is now putting all of her concentration on text messaging and looking adorable at all times:) Both her and Logan are growing like freakin weeds and everyday proving that they could actually be smarter than the both of us put together! What else...um...the dogs are both doing fantastic now that the weather is better and they can play outside all day. We are still uncertain if we are going to expand our house or move all together. Like we need another project but for real, it is getting pretty squishy in our house with the growing amount of baby paraphenalia. Until next time...love from us!

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