Saturday, March 3, 2012

4 months old

I can't believe my baby is 4 months old. I remember when my sweet friend Brooke gave me the purple outfit she's wearing and it looked so big and it totally fits. She has done so much growing up in the last month. She is now a baby and not an infant. She laughs a lot and is very ticklish. She has also moved into her crib. The bassinet still sits next to my bed as though it could get used again...pretty sure it's time to pack it away and wait for grand babies (throwing up a bit in my mouth with that thought). She has been a pretty good sleeper, I can't really complain. She started out not great and then quickly moved into typical baby sleep (up 2-3 times). And then at 12 weeks she started sleeping through the night. That lasted until about 15 weeks when she decided to be up every couple of hours. After a few days of that and lots of coffee, she has settled into a routine if going to bed between 8-9 and waking around 3-3:30 and then again 6-7 and then up for good around 830-9. It's not so bad. Last night she didn't even nurse when she got up at 330. Of course, as soon as she has me trained on this, she will switch it up again (back to sleeping thru the night I hope:). I am going to try and implement the baby wise program and see how that works. My sister swears by it so we will see.
Another major milestone is the lack of constant screaming in the car. She will fuss every now and then but it is so much better! It used to be screaming as soon as her carseat clicked into the car until we got her out...just awful. We are definitely finally growing out of that one, phew.
Other than that, she is a delight. Such a smiley happy girl that has really taken a shine to her daddy. Which is a nice change. I get a little freedom to work or workout without an anxiety attack.
We are officially in love.

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