Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I think we need a second opinion...

Miss Delilah is six months old already...
I was told at her 6 month appointment that she was 15 lbs and 25.75 inches which they said put her at 30% for weight and 55% for length...I am not sure how many of you have seen my roly poly baby but she is far from skinny and petite. She is so chubby that it makes us laugh. I can only come up with the idea that the percentages have been changed (I was told this by a friend) and this is why she is not skyrocketing off the charts.
I can remember everyone telling me to hold on to every moment because they grow so fast when i had elliot but I was so completely overwhelmed with the shock of motherhood and the fact that elliot was pretty high maintenance to understand that. I think it was hard the first time because every difficult stage you go through seems like it might be that way forever. Now that my "high maintenance" baby elliot is my "super fabulous amazing in every way" 4 year old that won't stop growing like a weed and turning into a little lady, I get it. Not to mention that somehow, as i mentioned before, my baby delilah is already six months and i know how soon she will turn into a little lady herself and no longer be my squishy baby who likes to eat my face:( Also knowing that she is 99.9999999% to be our last baby that we make...I can barely stand it. She has been a little dream. She is a very happy baby that smiles at everyone and bats those super long dark eyelashes surrounding her still very blue eyes and just melts the hearts of anyone who sees her. Not that there aren't the same hard baby times that we all have, like, ummm...sleep...she has been all over the place as far as sleep goes. She was sleeping through the night at 12 weeks and then it turned into up all night and turned into she only wants to sleep in our bed to back in her bed and up at the typical baby times. We had one night a couple of weeks ago after she got her six months shots which was two injections and one oral. With Elliot, I was so careful and paranoid that I wouldn't let them give her more than one vaccination per visit and took the slow route because I was reading how it might make her grow another head. Though I might have been overly careful, she never had any bad reactions to any of her shots. This time, and I would like to apologize to Delilah here and now, I have been less paranoid and letting them do their protocol. Shame on me. At 4 months she didn't feel well after her shots but it wasn't horrible. This time, she was up all night with a 102 fever and vomiting. I felt terrible. I know it is a very personal choice for parents but I vow to take the same slow route I took with elliot from now on. It was awful. I have always said "oh yeah, I was up all night" But not like that. I think Danny and I slept maybe 1 hour that night. Anyone who came in contact with me the next day, i apologize. She also sprouted her first tooth when she was 5 1/2 months to our surprise. I thought that maybe she was beginning to get them but deep down thought it was too early. Oh no. She has one. Bottom left. So, here we go:) She started rolling over this past month. She isn't all over the place yet, but its starting. She is also just now starting to hold herself in a sitting position. Not for long and not super strong yet but I know its all about to explode. She is also exhibiting her desire to grab all things in front of her that she shouldn't my dinner or drink or phone or ipad or remote or all dirty items that might be near. And she is determined. Of course she is, another determined female in the Scully scares me and makes me proud all at the same time. Let the fun begin!

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